Superior Court of California

County of Solano

About the Site

About the Site

This portal site allows you to search case data and provides parties in a case with an enhanced view of their case information from the Court's case management system. General public searches are limited to 45 cases per day. Justice Partner searches are not limited. Please contact the court's relavent division if your role requires increased daily access.

The ability to search case data requires users to create/register for an account.

Online Portal Disclaimer: The purpose of this system is to provide the ability to research and locate Superior Court of California, County of Solano Criminal, Civil, Traffic, and Family Law matters for a particular case / citation number. The most current filings may or may not be in the system. While the court strives to ensure accuracy of the information it provides, the court recognizes that on occasion errors occur. Thus, the court encourages anyone seeking to rely on this information to verify it by checking any court paperwork or notice that you may have. Use of the information contained in the Court's Online Portal is the user’s responsibility.